Your apps, browsers & devices
我们收集的信息包括唯一标识符、浏览器类型和设置、设备类型和设置、操作系统、移动网络信息(包括运营商名称和电话号码)以及应用版本号。我们还会收集您的应用、浏览器和设备同加国无忧进行互动的相关信息,包括 IP 地址、崩溃报告、系统活动以及相应请求的日期、时间和引荐来源网址。
We collect information about the apps, browsers, and devices you use to access 51.ca services, which helps us provide features like automatic product updates and dimming your screen if your battery runs low.
The information we collect includes unique identifiers, browser type and settings, device type and settings, operating system, mobile network information including carrier name and phone number, and application version number. We also collect information about the interaction of your apps, browsers, and devices with our services, including IP address, crash reports, system activity, and the date, time, and referrer URL of your request.
Your activity
- 您搜索的字词
- 您浏览的内容和广告
- 购买活动
- 您的交流对象或您分享内容的对象
We collect information about your activity in our services, which we use to do things like recommend news, listings, or advertisement that you might like. The activity information we collect may include:
- Terms you search for
- Views and interactions with content and ads
- Purchase activity
- People with whom you communicate or share content
Your location information
我们会在您使用加国无忧 服务时收集您的位置信息,以便提供一些实用功能,例如您所在位置附近的餐厅、打折信息、出售出租房源信息,等等。
- IP 地址
- 来自您设备的传感器数据
- 您的设备周边事物(例如,Wi-Fi 接入点、基站和启用了蓝牙的设备)的相关信息
我们会收集哪些类型的位置数据在一定程度上取决于您的设备和帐号设置。例如,您可以使用 手机设备的设置应用开启或关闭设备的位置信息功能。
We collect information about your location when you use our services, which helps us offer features like restaurants, discount information and listings near you.
Your location can be determined with varying degrees of accuracy by:
- IP address
- Sensor data from your device
- Information about things near your device, such as Wi-Fi access points, cell towers, and Bluetooth-enabled devices
The types of location data we collect depend in part on your device and account settings. For example, you can turn your device’s location on or off using the device’s settings app.